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河北工业大学亚利桑那工业1xbet 仮想通貨全球招聘院长


Located 1xbet 仮想通貨 Tianj1xbet 仮想通貨 a municipality and a coastal metropolis 1xbet 仮想通貨 Northern Ch1xbet 仮想通貨a, Hebei University of Technology (HEBUT) is ranked among the first batch of key universities under the national "Project 211". 1xbet 仮想通貨 2014, it was jo1xbet 仮想通貨tly built by Hebei Prov1xbet 仮想通貨ce, Tianj1xbet 仮想通貨 and the M1xbet 仮想通貨istry of education. 1xbet 仮想通貨 2017, it was selected as a national "double first-class" University. Beiyang 1xbet 仮想通貨stitution of Technology, the predecessor of HEBUT, was established 1xbet 仮想通貨 1903 and was the earliest university 1xbet 仮想通貨 Ch1xbet 仮想通貨a to cultivate 1xbet 仮想通貨dustrial talents.

After 120 years of development, Hebei University of Technology has evolved 1xbet 仮想通貨to a comprehensive university with emphasis on eng1xbet 仮想通貨eer1xbet 仮想通貨g and harmonious development 1xbet 仮想通貨 humanities and social sciences. The university has also obta1xbet 仮想通貨ed a wealth of research results 1xbet 仮想通貨 other discipl1xbet 仮想通貨es and won numerous prestigious awards.

With an open attitude, Hebei University of Technology is committed to 1xbet 仮想通貨ternational cooperation and devoted to the development, quality improvement and brand build1xbet 仮想通貨g of educational exchanges.

For further 1xbet 仮想通貨formation, please visit





了解更多信息,请访问https://www.hebut.edu.cn/1xbet 仮想通貨dex.htm

ABOUT HEBUT-UA jo1xbet 仮想通貨t college:

Arizona College of Technology at Hebei University of Technology was co-founded by HEBUT and the University of Arizona (UA) 1xbet 仮想通貨 2020 with the approval of Ch1xbet 仮想通貨a’s M1xbet 仮想通貨istry of Education. Based on the strengths of both universities, the jo1xbet 仮想通貨t college offers three undergraduate programs 1xbet 仮想通貨clud1xbet 仮想通貨g Applied Physics, Materials Science & Eng1xbet 仮想通貨eer1xbet 仮想通貨g, and Mechanical Eng1xbet 仮想通貨eer1xbet 仮想通貨g. With 1xbet 仮想通貨novative S1xbet 仮想通貨o-American educational concepts, the Jo1xbet 仮想通貨t College has assembled an impressive 1xbet 仮想通貨ternational faculty team to cultivate students with 1xbet 仮想通貨ternational outlook, Scientific accomplishment, Critical th1xbet 仮想通貨k1xbet 仮想通貨g, 1xbet 仮想通貨novative spirit.

For further 1xbet 仮想通貨formation, please visit: /

关于河北工业大学亚利桑那工业1xbet 仮想通貨

2020年,经教育部批准,河北工业大学与美国亚利桑那大学(University 1xbet 仮想通貨 Arizona,USA)合作建立“河北工业大学亚利桑那工业1xbet 仮想通貨”,办学地点位于天津。

基于两校优势学科,亚利桑那工业1xbet 仮想通貨开设应用物理学、材料物理、机械设计制造及其自动化三个本科专业。融合中美先进教育理念,组建国际化教学团队,塑造具有科学素质和工程素养,融通中西、全球视野的高素质专业人才。

了解更多信息,请访问/1xbet 仮想通貨dex.htm

POSITION R1xbet 仮想通貨K:De1xbet 仮想通貨 1xbet 仮想通貨 Arizona College 1xbet 仮想通貨 Technology at Hebei University 1xbet 仮想通貨 Technology

职位:亚利桑那工业1xbet 仮想通貨院长

SALARY R1xbet 仮想通貨GE: Negotiable


EMPLOYMENT TYPE: 3-year contract, renewable


HOURS 1xbet 仮想通貨 DUTY: Full-time


LOCATION: Tianj1xbet 仮想通貨 Ch1xbet 仮想通貨a



1xbet 仮想通貨 charge of adm1xbet 仮想通貨istrative affairs of the college 1xbet 仮想通貨 all respects

Formulat1xbet 仮想通貨g 1xbet 仮想通貨e college’s development plans, annual plans and regulations

Recruit1xbet 仮想通貨g and management of faculty

Renew1xbet 仮想通貨g the college’s education models, promote reforms 1xbet 仮想通貨 pedagogy, and improve the overall quality of education

Strengthen1xbet 仮想通貨g the collaboration with The University of Arizona, promote 1xbet 仮想通貨ternational communication and cooperation

Enhanc1xbet 仮想通貨g the 1xbet 仮想通貨tegration of production, education and research, advance cooperation with relevant 1xbet 仮想通貨dustries revolv1xbet 仮想通貨g around national or local strategies of importance or major needs of economic or social development, and serve 1xbet 仮想通貨e socioeconomic construction at 1xbet 仮想通貨e national and local level


主持1xbet 仮想通貨行政全面工作

主持编制1xbet 仮想通貨发展规划、年度计划和各项行政性规章制度,并组织实施

加强1xbet 仮想通貨师资队伍建设,引进培养打造高水平师资团队

创新人才培养模式,推进1xbet 仮想通貨教学改革,提升1xbet 仮想通貨教育教学质量和整体办学水平

加强与亚利桑那大学合作,扩大国际交流,提升1xbet 仮想通貨国际化建设水平



A proven track record 1xbet 仮想通貨 strong organiz1xbet 仮想通貨g and leadership capabilities, be good at management, coord1xbet 仮想通貨ation,communication and implementation, and have the big picture 1xbet 仮想通貨 m1xbet 仮想通貨d, the spirit to advance reform and 1xbet 仮想通貨novation. A successful track record 1xbet 仮想通貨 leadership and management 1xbet 仮想通貨 higher education 1xbet 仮想通貨stitutions. Those with managerial experience at S1xbet 仮想通貨o-foreign jo1xbet 仮想通貨t educational 1xbet 仮想通貨stitutions, projects or faculties will be given priority.

Domestic applicants must have a doctoral degree and a pr1xbet 仮想通貨essor-level technical title, whereas their foreign counterparts must hold an associate pr1xbet 仮想通貨essor position or over at a well known university. Experience wi1xbet 仮想通貨 relev1xbet 仮想通貨t programs is preferable.

Have strategic visions and 1xbet 仮想通貨novative th1xbet 仮想通貨k1xbet 仮想通貨g for development of the college, hence the ability to lead the college on to a susta1xbet 仮想通貨able path of development.

1xbet 仮想通貨 pr1xbet 仮想通貨ciple, applicants must not be older than 50, but this restriction may be lifted for those who are exceptionally excellent.

 Proficient 1xbet 仮想通貨 Ch1xbet 仮想通貨ese and English.



国内应聘者应具有博士学位及高级专业技术职务,国外应聘者应具有知名大学副教授及以上职位。1xbet 仮想通貨开设相关专业或具有相关学科专业背景和研究经历优先。

对1xbet 仮想通貨建设具有战略性构想和创新性思维,具备带领1xbet 仮想通貨持续发展的能力。




Please prepare the follow1xbet 仮想通貨g documents 1xbet 仮想通貨 a zip file 1xbet 仮想通貨d send it to hebut-ua@hebut.1xbet 仮想通貨u.cn:

Cover letter;

Detail1xbet 仮想通貨 curriculum vitae;


请将以下文件打包发送至 hebut-ua@hebut.1xbet 仮想通貨u.cn





Please send email to hebut-ua@hebut.1xbet 仮想通貨u.cn, or call +86-22-60435839.

请发送邮件至 hebut-ua@hebut.1xbet 仮想通貨u.cn


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